Paint by the numbers

User Rating: 5 | Star Wars Battlefront II PS4

I'm mainly a single-player gamer, and I'd recommend that anyone with similar tastes avoid this game. It is mainly (like Call of Duty) a multiplayer title.

As a huge Star Wars fan, I still bought the game during one the recent PSN Black Friday sale, figuring it'd be worth $10 to check out a new story in everyone's favorite galaxy far, far away. But this one is disappointing by any standard. I'm not sure it'd qualify even as a particularly good fan fiction -- character motivations are flimsy, cliché, or inadequately justified, the villains and central plot are groan-inducing, and the handful of story components that feature the series' most legendary characters are actually the worst segments of the game. The last Star Wars game that I played that I remember being this bad was the old Phantom Menace title that came out in 1999.

No bueno, mi amigos, no bueno.