Best Star Wars game made, and probably the best RPG for morality choices and storyline.

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
When Kotor first came out on PC i thought it would be a nerdy, bad star wars game like many others, but then i noticed it was by Bioware, one of my favorite video game producers, who also made Baldurs Gate. In fact this is one of the best games I have ever played, it has an amazing storyline, great graphics, and the best morality choices i've ever seen. Its only flaw is the restrictive combat system (which is still visually impressive) and the rather short storyline. The critic said it has glitches, however, this is untrue as bioware released a patch which fixed virtually all of them. Not to mention you can now buy it for PC along with several other video games for $20 . I can guarantee you will enjoy it. As I previously mentioned, the storyline is movie-worthy, way more epic than any of the new star wars films. I don't know Why Lucas hasn't made a film out of it yet. It is very immerssive with great characters, who have very in depth storylines and pasts also, and amazing environments and music. The villan, Darth Malak, is somewhat of a ripoff of Darth Vader, but he is still very cool and as i said before, film worthy. Simply put, buy this game and if a film is released i wouldn't be suprised.