If Carlsberg did Star Wars Games...

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic PC
I'll just start off by saying : what a fantastic game, pure class.

Right then, KOTOR is probably the best Star Wars game ever made. Why's this? One word my son, one word. Story. The story is this game is worthy of being an actual SW film, it really is that good. Unexpected plot twists, the chatacters stories, the alternative endings are all part of what makes the story so great. It has you hooked in a real star wars universe.

Dispite how great the game is, there are a few annoyances, like the dialogue skipping bug, and the combat wasn't really to my taste, but i got used to it and it grew on me. I'm not saying the combat is bad, but i really ain't a fan of the whole "roll of the dice" bollocks.

The characters are interesting and fun to wind up, especially Bastila. The sith will genuinely get on your nerves for being pure scum (and trying to kill you of course). The feeling of slashes a few geezer's who get on your **** to death is brilliant.

You actions decide weather you are light or dark and affect the outcome of the game.

I only hope they make a kotor 3. I can't say i'm looking foward to The Old Republic. Star wars games have really gone downhill (like the new films really). Recent games like the force unleashed, Battlefornt 1 and 2 and the crappy Jedi starfighter will never be half the game that Kotor is. Kotor is the ultimate star wars game. I also recomment Jedi outcast.