User Rating: 9.8 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
Without rehashing what Greg so eloquently described as the "must-have RPG for Xbox owners" I've decided to append his account with mine. What impressed me most about KotOR's design was how the player was slowly immersed into the role as rogue hero. The game teaches you how to play, even if you've never jumped into an RPG before. That sole factor hooked me on the game from the start. I forgave the point deductions for uneven frame rate issues, since the sheer scope of any given environment is impressive. The scope is large not necessarily in overall size, but just in draw distance and activity. The graphics amazed me simply because there was so much going on at any given time, I hardly noticed the blander details in some of the models. Voice acting rivals that of the Star Wars films of late. Simply put, this game is a captivating experience that should not be missed by Xbox owners. I cannot stress how much fun this is to play. Best Xbox game in a long time, by far.