User Rating: 9.7 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic XBOX
KOTOR...has there been a more anticipated game for the xbox? Not for me there hasn't. And to my great surprise, my incredibly high expectations have been met in every respect. This just does not happen in the game world (at least not for me!). If you are used to playing FPS, there is a definate adjustment period. This certainly is no FPS. This is a game that you have to let your character (and yourself) fully immerse himself into the KOTOR world. It's not a game where you look for a kick-butt gun, look to blow away anything and everything and rush through to get to the next level. No, no, no. This game is a game to savor. This is a game to let yourself be sucked into the amazing environments and let the story unfold itself to you. It's an excellent story. Top-notch. A story that you flush out and let come to you by interacting with the world around you. There is an amazing amount of dialouge (and it's all extremely well acted....probably the best acting ever in a game) and an amazing amount of info to take in (and yet kept all nice and orderly for you in your journal screen). Combat is cool and unique. There are some great weapons to get and of course light sabers...lots of different types of light sabers. There are some excellent mini-games within the game. I spent over 90 minutes in the first cantina I went to! Playing Passak (I think that's the name of the card game...great game, and dueling in the dueling arena). There is just so much to do in this game. That's the great thing about it. The worst thing you could do in this game is to try and rush through it. As I said, this is a game to savor. Graphically, not the greatest graphics ever, but certainly more than adequate. They are actually quite good. Environments are so incredibly detailed, you would think George Lucas had a hand in the design. Beautiful worlds. The characters are a little blocky, but still look good. As for framerate problems...I have yet to encounter any. The sounds is, as you would expect for a Star Wars game, superb. This certainly has got to be a game of the year candidate. So far, I have played for about 4 hours, and it's just been a pleasure. Great fun. This is what gaming is supposed to be about. You, the gamer, becoming fully immersed in a world far far away. 9.7 out of 10