Short campaign feels like missed opportunites. Otherwise, AMAZING.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II X360
The campaign is very fast paced with many breathtaking moments. However, at the conclusion of the game, I felt like I had missed out on so much. They will obviously be making a third one, I just wish this game was more conclusive. The gameplay is great fun for star wars fans, but if you are not into star wars or the previous game, I'd recommend waiting on getting this game.

The campaign is very fast paced with many breathtaking moments. However, at the conclusion of the game, I felt like I had missed out on so much. They will obviously be making a third one, I just wish this game was more conclusive. The gameplay is great fun for star wars fans, but if you are not into star wars or the previous game, I'd recommend waiting on getting this game.
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