A bit like the recent films in the series, pretty graphics don't make up for problems in other areas.

User Rating: 6.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II PC
I saw the first Star Wars in the theaters in 1977 when I was only five. I've grown up on Star Wars and this is the first time in a long while I was actually interested in getting to see what was next in the franchise. I had grown tired of the series and, in some ways, this game helped me reinstate some of my long lost enjoyment of it all. Unfortunately, once you dive in a bit, you begin to drown in what is a frail, limiting, and generally average game.

One of the better aspects of this game is its graphics. It is fairly well designed in this regard and the cut scenes are ambitious and epic-ly scaled like many scenes from the films. Unfortunately, the small range of enemies coupled with a wide range of glitches really destroyed the mood many times in this one. I played on PC and was one of the many who ran into the BIG game-stopping glitch at the end of Chapter 8. With no option to proceed at close to the end of the level, the easiest solution is simply to replay the whole thing over again in hopes that the glitch will not be present in the next go through. If this doesn't screw up the pace of a game I don't know what does!

When it comes to fighting, the range of enemies you fight is fairly limited and, in many cases, you are sort of made to fight certain attackers in certain ways. So, for example, X enemy can easily deflect force attacks. Y enemy only can be attacked after an initial force attacked, etc. This actually made the game feel a good bit more programmed than one would hope. Too, when the game springs on you one of its more challenging encounters, the primary reason things are difficult is because you are forced to fight the range of attackers differently which requires some precision on occasion. For example, trying to take down a small walker hurling missles at you while takin fire from regular stormtroopers and then other baddies who cloak and the like can get a bit frustrating. The whole mechanic, though generally good, does create for a few particularly annoying encounters.

Outside of some nicely done graphics, there just isn't much to write home about in this one. The game feels like the devs rushed and didn't put everything together like they should. It is actually insulting that they would charge anything more than $15-20 for this one as it is unbelievably short. In fact, probably one of the shortest games to date I would imagine. Too, though there are some fun enhancements with Starkiller now being a more skilled attacker, improvements through the game feel minimalized as you can do all the important stuff from the start.

I can't necesarily say that this game is worth playing. However, if you're a Star Wars fan that's a glutton for all things in this franchise, by all means, go ahead and play through it. Just be warned.