Despite being shorter than the laughs on a Piers Morgan show, this is a really good game!

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II X360
I am a huge Star Wars fan and a big fan of the first instalment of this particular game, and if you enjoyed the gameplay of the first game then you will love this one too. This is mostly because very little has changed, oh yes the graphics are a little better and the characters faces in the cutscenes are particularly good but this can be seen as more of an update to the first game than a truly new experience, not that that is a too bad thing of course as the first game was in my opinion excellent.
So the gameplay, in this sequel you start as a powerful character so very soon your picking up foes and tossing them round like a football players pram toys. This never gets boring, and is actually the main reason i like this game. As you progress through the game you very quickly unlock all the force powers - lightning, repulse, mind trick ect but the problem is the difficulty never really goes up at all to the point where you have to wonder if its actually possible for it to be any easier, in fact the only times i died throughout the game were when i accidentely jumped off ledges and theres a few moments where the camera angle switches so your character is running towards you so you cant really see whats coming.. which is a minor annoyance. The gameplay does get somewhat repetitive after a while, especially the set play kills of the big machines that recycle the same sequences again and again and again and are used almost as often as my PS3 likes to update (so every 30 seconds or so), also the level design seems to be about as thoughtful as giving a spanner set to your g/f for christmas, theres nothing that really ever challenges you.
The storyline continues from the last game but it feels like its not really been thought about, the sense that it'll do rather than its the best they can do, almost as if they felt duty bound to make an adequate story up rather than stretching their imagination.
But now we come to the real problem with this game, the length. This game isn't just short, bonsai trees and the change from an east London shop are short, this takes it to a whole new level and i have to question how anyone could think this game is worth buying when you get about 3-4 hours absolute max from it. On top of this theres not really much replay value and (i think) no multiplayer at all - which is a huge glaring error in a modern game these days.
It may sound like i dislike this game but nothing could be further from the truth. I love being a jedi and ploughing my way through rooms of bad guys, its a really very fun experience and for the few hours that it lasts its a truly great game but its let down by the length or more the lack of.
Rent this game, love it, but then then give it back.