'Just look at that sky' Epic space opera that is grand in every sense.

User Rating: 10 | Starhawk PS3
I missed all the hype surrounding this game. I never played Warhawk as multiplayer just wasn't my thing at all. That was then though and when the Starhawk campaign was released on the PSN and, more importantly, free on PS+ I thought I'd give it a whirl. Everybody was telling me that the campaign was little more than a 8hr tutorial for the multiplayer and that is a fair assessment. There are so many enjoyable aspects of the gameplay from the ground based battle and build system to the dogfighting Hawks in low orbit, that the single player has little choice but to flip from one to the next in order to familiarise the player with all the aspects of the game. It is a good enough balance but it is not until the final stages that you get to incorporate a fairly decent combination of the two.
My multiplayer experience is 'fair' I would say. I don' t shirk away from the aspect of the game but it is not the driving force behind my purchase or time. I have experienced the usual COD, MOH, FIFA, Red Dead Redemption etc. My enjoyment of these have been mixed. The FPS's are just that and little more, usually fast paced and over in a matter of minutes, I always find that due to their very nature you feel as though you are playing without the ability to move your neck and miss an attack coming in from your, would be, peripheral vision. This might be a mute point as the popularity of these titles could speak for themselves but there is no denying that 'virtually' blasting away a fellow human being is not without a certain sense of fun.
Where FPS's fail the likes of Red Dead Redemption succeed. Vast open world experiences where the spirit of co-operation is more rewarding than acting the irritating sod whose sole purpose is to remove your head from your shoulders as soon as they spawn.
So with this in mind we move onto the heart and soul of Starhawk and dip our toes into the vast ocean of detail that is the multiplayer experience.
The easiest way to get in on the action if to go for the 'Quickmatch' option where you will be flung into the nearest battle regardless of game type. This may catch the noob out as some elements gameplay are only available in certain modes so to refine your selection you can use the listed games selection. This will bring up a refreshable selection of good connection quality created games so that you can choose between DM, TDM, CTF etc.
The real beauty of these matches is the epic sense of scale dedicated to matches. Forget frantic 5 minute scrambles and settle down for 30 - 45 minutes of all out war. Given this timescale the player can truly immerse themselves into the experience and relive the classic battlefield action that was first experienced watching Star Wars or Dune.
The battle and build engine means that you can create an environment best suited to your game style. Snipers can set up watch towers, fortify your base with supply bunkers and walls. Each building is usable by every team member. Supply bunkers are a weapons cache and can only be accessed by your team. Garages and corrals are constructed to generate Tanks, jeeps (Razorbacks) and awesome speederbikes known as Sidewinders which sound fantastic which their whump whump engines a cross between the batpod and pod racers.
Vehicles are a good thing too as the maps can be huge, really huge. So to help the player along team members can construct outposts in order to re-deploy (Respawn) nearer the enemy. Re-deployment itself is ingenious, a player will hurtle toward the planet surface in a metallic pod and hopefully land on an enemy's head before erupting from this protected egg to cause havoc.
Another of my favourite touches is 'Explore'. Essentially pick a map and free-roam to familiarise yourself with it without the punishment of death.
The 'Homeworld' option is great too. Players use these maps like a hub in order to hang out in until friends have finished lunch and are ready to play. In the mean-time you guys can practise building and playing with all the toys including the Hawks in a beautifully rendered environment.rnrnThe environments are truly stunning and these add more to the sense of scale than anything else. Each location is a work of art as is the score. The music is, I have to say it again, EPIC. It is right up there with Zimmer and Howards Batman/Dark Knight. Cleverly what is a touch of class is that the music will fade away to silence during a lull and will build back in once you have made a kill or jump on a vehicle. The whole system feels tailored to ensure a player has the best of experiences.
I have only scratched the surface and pointed out a few details which are special to me but leave me to say that this is one of the most enjoyable Multiplayer games I have ever played. It truly is better than any FPS I have played and is much more polished than the awesome Red Dead Redemption. Yes the campaign is a little flat but it does help out the un-initiated so much.
It is an easy game to play but as with all the greats it takes a long time to master.
This game is a jewel. It takes some getting used to. Bit with a little investment you will be treated to something a bit special. Starhawk delivers treats as you peel back it's many layers of detail and immersion. It is truly innovative and given a chance you may see what you have been missing with the annual remakes offered from the FPS franchises.