Underrated game

User Rating: 10 | State of Decay 2 PC

First of all anyone rating this game 1 out of 10 is a childish moron with absolutly no judgement.

Doing this is like.. spit on the face of a stranger because one person said something negative about him. That makes this rating system absolutly useless and Gamespot a bad reference.

That said it is already know to be one of the worst reference for game review right now. What happened? Maybe the good guys left the boat long time ago. Now the Trolls rule the boat or what?

Well I give this game a 10 because of the above childish moron giving a 1 for a big title with quality content. No game with this standard deserve a 0 or a 1. Just the mechanics of this game worth at least a 6 out of 10. Now add the nice content you have you already reach at least 7 out of 10. Add the fun you have with this game compared to a big title like FarCry 5 you reach the 8 out of 10. 8/10 is the true value of this title at this point with the first patch applied.

The incoming DLCs gonna add more value of it and easily worth the 9/10.

I don't rate a game I played for under 12h. Doing that is like going to see a movie. Stay there 10 minutes going back home and said to everyone that film is crap. You don't know the game. You don't know what you are talking about.

I played this game full time for 14 days and I want more of it. Even in 14 days full time you don't see everything. You can't try everything. Yes it can be repetitive after a time but it is less repetitive than most of games out there and it is endless.

What is State of Decay 2 (Standard)? It is State of Decay 1 Breakdown ported to the Unreal engine 4 with some improvement and possible online coop play.

The only thing I can admit is that online play sucks big time right now without any DLC.

This game is a gem for players who like characters management (with strong AI) instead of playing with characters controlled by humans.

SOD2 adds only blood plague zombies which are standard zombies that give blood plague and walk around houses infected with a blood plague heart. A bit like the Alien eggs concept.

Those zombies don't add much of what you can get in the first game. Just more possible situations turning around blood plague infectations.

Playing SOD2 feel exactly like playing the first one Breakdown DLC but with no linear scenario. The characters have less repetitive speach lines than the first but of course after a time your heard every lines. For me, I really like both the linear and freedom of the first. I feel like something is missing from the first but also feel something else is new and more polished. They focused on the port to the Unreal engine and to make it right. They really done it right preserving the same art design. Adding some new stuff but also some other cool stuff are gone. Some character animations are gone and zombies animations too. Mainly the ones when they maintain the zombies head so you can hit the head. Same for the zombies.. When the zombies climb over a fence in the first game their head stay up ready to be hit this is not the case in SOD2.

Vehicles are way better in SOD2. Graphics are way better, Sounds are better, Controls way better too, Music is exactly the same with a couple of new titles. Overall you have more than less from the first game without DLC.

Every negative aspects I heard or see myself can be fixed. Blur effect and other effects/settings not in the menu can be removed/added in the engine.ini/input.ini like any unreal engine games.

So the game deserve more than this.. I hope they gonna make the future DLCs right so everyone gonna open their eyes and see how this game is great with a decent online mod too.