Stray.A cute puzzle game. (NO SPOILERS)

User Rating: 9 | Stray PC

Stray (2022) is quite the experience.You play as an unnamed cat freeing a closed city from its century long isolation.The game features rather simple,but still entertaining puzzles. Stray i by far one of the best games of 2022 and has been a revival for the puzzle game genre. It features good parkour abillities and has a original aesthetic. It's physics are also good and realistic.

My problems are that the game falls short on character writing and is linear.Leading the player to not feel as invested in the game as it could've. However it still allows you to explore around as the puzzles take place in large areas,unlike most games. The game is rather easy. All you need to do is watch out to not stumble into something and you are safe. Overall the game is definitely worth it if you are into puzzle games or are searching for something different than the usual.