Even though it has it's fair share of problems, Super Mario 64 still manages to hold up well after all this time.

User Rating: 7.5 | Super Mario 64 N64
Most people chalk this game up to be the greatest game ever made. However, I wouldn't go as far as to say that. For it's time, it was great, but let's review it's fun factor by modern standards and leave everything else to its period of release. lets go by subject, shall we?
Graphics: 9/10 Besides a few sparse textures, the graphics are top notch for it's time. Colorful, varied, nice to look at, and very cartoony.

Gameplay: 7/10 Although the levels have great design, it can get frustrating at times with the HORRENDOUS camera.

Fun Factor: 7/10 Lots of nostalgia and fun levels with many collectibles to find and hidden areas to uncover.

Music: 8/10 Although some of the tunes can get a bit repetitive after hearing them so often, the music is still great and definitely compliments it's corresponding level.

Controls: 6/10 The camera controls are frustrating, and not being able to move in midair is a nuisance, but the controls manage to be fluid and usually work well.

Overall: 7.5 While it still manages to be enjoyable and fun, some of the nostalgic fun has worn off due to being outdated. Regardless, though, the game still holds up pretty well.