Let me tell you why I don't need to even play through the entire game to give it a 10 of 10!

User Rating: 10 | Super Mario Galaxy 2 WII
This game is amazing.... and I've only just begun playing it.

This game is perfect in my opinion because:

It PERFECTS the mario game mechanics and any annoyances I had from the first Galaxy game. Seriously, precisely the things I didn't like about the first game are either gone or made way better. The annoying main "ship" and area system of the bedroom, dining room, engine room, etc. is GONE and in place is the easy to navigate, straight forward, and quick map system from NSMW and every other 2d mario game ever made----Awesome. Secondly, the camera is about as good as it gets in any 3d game---let alone one where you literally spin around planets and are constantly disoriented.

For lack of a better word this game is fun because it just flows even better than the first one. In my opinion this is so far the best 3d translation of the awesome 2d mario games. Instead of waiting for the camera to right itself or waiting to run to each world before you can play it YOU JUST GO!!!

And the last thing of course is that this game is the definition of eye candy. Seriously, I kind of want to lick my tv while playing this. The colors are so well done because of the crazy dynamic range achieved in every texture and every level overall. Just Wow.

4 words: Go get it now!

...( unless you have some grudge against fun--- in which case you probably aren't reading this anyway lol )