Is Super Scribblenauts really all that "Super"?

User Rating: 6.5 | Super Scribblenauts DS
THE GOOD: +Innovative, +Adjectives are a great feature, +Great Controls, +Great Music, +Fun, +Decent Graphics.

THE BAD: -Limited Solutions for most levels, -Most Levels are boring and short, -Not enough Replay Value, -Resricted Levels and Content, -Level Editor is still poor, -A 5-hour game.

GRAPHICS: 7.0/10
Just like the last Scribblenauts, the graphics are still the same. They are generally good for the system, but nothing to amazing.

GAMEPLAY: 6.0/10
Scribblenauts, I think everyone know what it is by now. A varity of different puzzles, and you think of objects to solve the puzzle to get a "starite".
One new addition to the game is adjectives. These give you more to think about when creating items. One of mine was; Flying Yellow Angry Insane Smelly Wet
Stupid Toaster, and I got a pretty cool result. Anyways, the adjectives are great but you hardly use them throughout the levels. The game is all about being creative and such, but you can't if your forced to do certain solutions. Also, most of these levels are short and boring. However, the amount of vocabulary in the game is insane. Overall, I liked the gameplay, except it wasn't as fresh and original as the first one.


AUDIO: 7.5/10
The music is good, but I liked the soundtrack better on the first one. The sound effects are also cool and realistic.

CONTROLS: 9.5/10
The controls in this game are much improved from the original. The stylus controls are much more controled and the D-pad controls are great too.

The game is short and not really replayable. The game's playground mode is the only thing that may keep your interest.

I thought this was going to be a amazing game, but the limited restrictions throughout levels and the game being this short dimishes you experience. If you loved the first game I suggest you get this game, but if you didn't, stay away from this one.

THE BOTTOM LINE "Dissapointing"