What is the problem here?

User Rating: 10 | Super Scribblenauts DS
Whats wrong with the game? For backround, and credebility, I bought the original scribblenauts the day it came out, and I tried my hardest to beat it. The gameplay was incredible, and revoloutionary. So naturally, I got the second when it came out. I found that everything had been improved. The camera was made better with the snap feature, allowing you to keep the camera away from maxwell until you want it on him. They fixed the controls, made it easier to play with the gamepad. Oh yeah, and they added ADJECTIVES! thats a huge one up on the first one. Also, tons of new words! They fixed old words, and made ammo on guns unlimited, and added a new time machine, and added adjectives, and unlimited flying on flying mountables. They added health bars, so you can see how to kill things better, when you had to. They added a better merits system, almost like a trophy system. Oh yeah, and they also added adjectives. Is that not enough?

Graphics- 10 ( the lovable cartoon graphics that keep this game rated E.)
Gameplay- 10 ( sit and play for hours on end. I didn't even touch the actual game until about 5 hours in.)
Content- 10 ( Tons! even when you beat the campaign, you still have all the merits to get, and words to play with. This game lasts forever!)
Replayability- 10 ( For me at least. Depends on your interest and imagination.)

Overall, an incredible game that may not live up to the original, but anyone whos played it would think it deserves an 11. So, this one deserves a 10.