Better than the first, but only becasue of improved controls

User Rating: 9 | Super Scribblenauts DS
The Original Scibblenauts was absolutely amazing. One of the best games on the DS in my opinion, so when I heard there was going to be a second one I was very excited, but was slightly disappointed when I started playing the game. It was better because it has improved controls and you can use adjectives, which was my favorite addition, but the game doesn't have the same charm. It is basically the same thing as the original, which was disappointing, but if you don't have the first one, pick this one up. It does have other things such as the arcade machine and time machine, which can keep you entertained even when you finish the missions, which aren't too difficult until you get to the very end. If you dont already have this game, I strongly recommend it, especially if you don't already own the first Scribblenauts game.