Amazing, immersive, scary and extremely hard to put down.

User Rating: 10 | System Shock 2 PC
This game is proof positive that, even with a dated engine, great gameplay will always trump graphical prowess and technological superiority. I just started my third play through on this the other day, and just like both times before, I can't stop. Well, I stopped to write this, but I do forget vital daily responsibilities, such as eating, sleeping, and sometimes even taking a break to "do my business", he he. I approached a body earlier in the game and "accidentally" noticed this guys totally misshapen head and realized that, although the graphics are severely dated, I completely forgot to notice, for hours! The sound in this game is extremely well done. It does an incredible job setting the atmosphere and scaring the crap out of you. Many times throughout the game, "The Many", a collective conscience comprised of the mutants patrolling the ship and this disgusting biomass that is everywhere, will chime in for a little one on one with yours truly, which is usually a very disturbingly creepy monologue about "the flesh", and "joining" them. Shodan, the returning rogue artificial intelligence from the first game, also likes to talk to you, and she can be pretty creepy herself. I eventually grew to like her and her utter disdain for humanity. The mood in the game is one of being alone, it's claustrophobic and always terrifying. Every now and again you'll catch a glimpse of open space through a window and realize just how far from the comfort of everyday life you really are. The feeling of terror goes hand in hand with this looming sense of hopelessness, and the lack of abundant resources compounds this. This is definitely not a run-n-gun shooter. Upgrading and finding new equipment and enemies to fight, for me, is a huge draw. Of course, this is coming from a diehard level/loot grinding junkie. The rpg elements in this game are very solid, and upgrading your character has an immediate and gratifying effect. There is nothing quite like upgrading to the next tier of firepower and watching the enemy, the one who was kicking the crap out of you earlier, fall in just a couple of shots, where before it would take five or six. The game is also pretty long, and with how addictive it is, you should be prepared for family members to become angry with you and start throwing things at you. I mean, trying to inflict some real damage! Well, if they're like my family anyway. So...........back to the game. This game is the reason I was so excited about bioshock. I remember the first time I read an article about it. I was like. "OMG! They're going to do another game like system shock! !@#$ Yeah!" I really enjoyed Bioshock as well, but these dated, old, graphically sub-par shoes, are just too big to fill. I love this game.