Don't let the graphics fool you, this game rocks.

User Rating: 9 | Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (Artdink Best Choice) PS
Time has been kind to Tactics Ogre. Sure, its graphics look like somebody just spewed some unimaginable substance on a chessboard and mixed it together with a spatula of pixels but trust me when I say the gameplay makes up for it.. and then some! If you've read my Final Fantasy Tactics review you'll know that these two games represent the pinacle of the genre for me (and many others). Sure, other games have taken the formula and spewed off sequels but none have matches the level that Tactics Ogre and FFT have accomplished. My advise is simple.. these games are not for everyone so test yourself out with FFT and if you enjoy your experience - move on to Tactics Ogre. You'll find that FFT is a bit more casual (that's not to say it's not as good but it WILL appeal to more people). Anyways, the characters are very customizable with unique abilities and by the end of the game you'll be using special characters across the board. The storyline is great and with all the sidequests you'll be busy for many, many hours to come.