Its a very decent game to tell you the truth.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tekken 6 PS3
Right now, I'm going to talk about the good things about Tekken 6. The gameplay is better than Tekken 5 I think. And like most of the characters' moveset are different as well like Marshall Law. About Marshall Law, his stance in this game is so much better than the other ones because his stance just look weird when jumping like he crazy. Anyway, about Scenario Campaign Mode, its somewhat better than Tekken Force Mode and Devil Within from the original Tekken 5. I like the gameplay of it because you can like getting money and items from enemies most of the time and stuff. And its very easy to earn money in that mode than on Ghost Battle Mode. You can be able to customize characters, which is cool. You can like custom a character from the other series. Like I did with Marshall Law, I made him look like Kenshiro from Hokuto No Ken lol. That's all I'm going to say about the good things about Tekken 6. This is a game good you should probably buy I. But mostly, the problem is about Tekken 6 is the long loading time. Because it takes about like 10 seconds to start up during the match or the other modes. Even when you install the thing to speed up loading time, it still taking too long. I also very disappointing the character endings because some of them just plain stupid again. Like Lee's ending, he had Jin, Kazuya, and Heihachi tied up on a tall stump or something while Lee was playing golf. Then he hit golf ball toward them and the ball caused a explosion and send Jin, Kazuya, and Heihachi to the sky and exploded with fireworks. That is just too cartoonish. What were they thinking?! Not to mention that some of them were short. Like Feng's ending. And like the final boss Azazel is somewhat impossible to beat, but I can beat Azazel easy on Scenario Campaign Mode and that's all the difference. But I kinda expect this game could have co-op for 2 players on Scenario Campaign Mode and fighting against a computer on Versus Battle. Well, that's not much I can say about it, but its a little disappointing. Only thing it saves it, is the gameplay as far as I concern. And yeah, those character endings in this game are some bullcrap. Just like for the example of those endings from Tekken 5. I mean just most of those endings. Anyway, this game is still decent in my opinion though. That's all I'm gonna say.


- Cool gameplay
- Huge character roster
- Game Modes
- Scenario Campaign
- Character customization system
- Great online play


- Some characters' endings were stupid and short
- Some characters still in their previous costumes from Tekken 5