This game is pretty easy and its also fun and entertaining to play.

User Rating: 6.5 | The Adventures of Tintin: The Game X360
the adventures of Tintin video game is based on the movie, yet it has a great fun and entertaining aspect which presents the game better.its not something that a lot of people would like to play since it is more or less below the average but its worth giving it a review.

The Graphics -
its not that great to be honest,but the visuals are something you can become addicted,specially the co-op levels.there are many different kinds of levels to offer a good gameplay,which changes the graphical order of the game,its really obvious that the game is aimed at the youngsters and the kids,i think some levels have better graphics than others,but again the graphic is around average.

The Gameplay -
we have many different kinds of levels with different gameplays,it sometimes becomes an open world game that you can go around freely and search different areas.most of the gameplay is basically categorized as a have to beat the level and you can collect the items on your way.
in the game you can pickup different items such as a flower pot, and aim/throw it at your enemies and it also gives you a doted line,just like the original Tintin books.there are always different ways for you to attack. you can go behind the enemies and suffocate them silently or you can go directly at them and use your combos.
you will always find stuff to hide around, such as a barrel which you can get in it.
later on in the game you will meet the captain(Captain Haddock) and you go and continue the journey with him.
the story mode has a lot of variety and have missions flying a plane and riding motorcycles in the desert.there are so many great levels well worth playing with lots of comedy voices,fighting,and amusing scenes.

The Story -
the story is based on the movie of course,it has been carefully created so that at first glance it is established on the basis of the movie and secondly it creates its own independent story which is the original Tintin story.if im not mistaken I suppose this story we have with Tintin is from one of the books.The story will get you so many places and you have to work your way through all those challenges which was very fun.

The Enjoyment -
There is definitely no doubt that the game is more fun than it looks.After beating the story you get a few challenges which is both playable with your ordinary pads and also works with the Kinect.
Even after you beat the challenges there is the co-op, which you can enjoy.The co-op has 3 major levels each one of the 3 levels has around 5 or 6 levels within it.You can play them with your friends and there are a lot of collectables.You also get to unlock different characters,and different costumes in the co-op levels.Each character has their own special power that is needed to collect the hidden items,inside each level, for example Tintin has a grappling hook in co-op which you can use.
I personally think the co-op is more fun than the original story because its just very funny indeed to play.
It might not be very fun for those people that dont like to collect achievements or trophies but since I wanted a 100% which I got it was nice playing the game and I enjoyed it very much.

The Summary -
The Adventures Of Tintin video game isnt one of those serious games,but if you get passed that its actually very fun,entertaining and enjoyable to have this game.Yes the graphics is not as good as you would expect and the story can make you think the game isnt worth it.
In addition the game was released much earlier than the movie itself.
I think the game had potential it would be awesome to see the next Tintin game and to compare both together.
So I personally liked this game and I suggest it would be a fun game to play for minors,and can bring lots of fun hours of gameplay and enjoyment.Dont forget you can easily get 100% achievements in this game.
6.5 out of 10