Highly underrated game. Trust your own judgement.

User Rating: 9 | The Fight: Lights Out PS3

Lag is non-existent or nearly imperceivable. Motion controls are spot on for the most part. Gameplay is very intuitive after about 1/2 hr. to an hour of play. Be aware the game is challenging and you need to spend time training to upgrade your fighter. Single player is a blast for those looking for a gritty and fun fighting game. You feel like your really in the fight without the pounding. If you love fighters (or boxing) and want or need some exercise you can't go wrong with The Fight Lights Out. Be prepared to sweat with a smile on your face. Add to that the satisfaction one feels when annihilating an opponent and its sheer bliss.

Haven't played online yet so not sure about that aspect of play. In my opinion expert critics are far off in their assessment of The Fight Lights Out. The story element in any fighter is generally overrated unless its something exceptional. It is true that you need to stay relatively stationary (legs) and the head tracking is hit or miss. I play with it off (head tracking) and I still am able to dodge and bob effectively because the motion controllers allow for a wide range of body control. It still plays really well despite this. Claims of a broken motion system are completely off base. I've never had to reset my controllers mid fight as some have claimed. Calibration between fights requires 2 different actions which take a mere second for each. Tracking the right distance from your opponent to punch his face or body is challenging and requires constant manipulation as if you were in a real brawl (special moves require the same). Nobody is going to stand and let you smash their face in without reacting to the punishment. Other experts have criticized the dark nature of the scenes. Everyone has their preferences to style. I personally like the visual elements of the The Fight.

People want innovation in the gaming world and why not add an element of real world movement? It only adds to the excitement of the games. We own both the PS3 (Move) and XBOX 360 (Kinect) systems and both provide loads of fun and a different way to interact with the wonderful worlds created in games by developers for those seeking that type of experience. We are traditional hard core gamers who love this new direction. We have more choices now and gaming is all the better for it. The Fight Lights Out is highly recommended by our family.

UPDATE - With adjusted lighting conditions the head tracking works very well. Experiment and find the right amount of light! Get low and land some heavy rib shots.