The offer you couldn't refuse just got better.

User Rating: 8.6 | The Godfather: Blackhand Edition WII
I had my doubts about a port of a year-old game. The Godfather is a GTA-style game that takes the plot of the classic mobster saga, and even goes a bit beyond. When it hit the other consoles last year, I thought it was a pretty decent game with good fan service. Now a year later, EA has released it on the wii with a different control scheme and a load of new content. And you know what? Out of all of the versions, Blackhand Edition easily is the best one.

You make your own gangster using a pretty deep "mobface" character creation system. You can adjust their body, facial features, hair, etc. Your character ties into the plot, and you'll be doing missions like planting the horse head and protecting the Don on his way to the hospital. It really sucks you into the world of the Godfather, using authentic music and characters. The graphics are a bit crisper than last-gen, and overall is a decent-looking wii title. The original actors reprise Don Corleone, Sonny, and Tom Hagen, although Al Pacino as Michael is absent... voice and likeness. But that shouldn't stop you from enjoying the story. Like I said before, it's a GTA-style game, so you'll be running around New York jacking cars, shooting people, robbing banks, etc. You can take over DOZENS of businesses to increase profits. As you progress through missions, your rank & experience will increase, giving you more abilities. These skills can range from planting car bombs to calling in hit squads. It's really awesome to see your character progress (you can even become the Don himself). The wii (along with the ps3) version gets a whole lot more content, like a couple dozen new missions, improved upgrades, and much more. But the wii-specific controls REALLY make this version stand out.

Using the wiimote & chuck, you'll be in complete control. From simple things like opening doors, to more fancy things like execution moves. The controls are absolutely sublime. Manual aiming feels precise and satisfying. Every single action in the game just feels better on the wii. The melee combat is handled well, and reloading with the chuck feels good. The one complaint that all the critics whine about is the camera's controlled by the d-pad, but it's a very minor issue. Instead of tacking on some half-assed controls, EA has gone the extra mile and made the game even more immersive.

In closing, I really recommend this one to fans of GTA or action games. If you didn't play the crap out of previous versions, there's no reason for you not to give this one a chance. It's a deep and enjoyable experience, and it's also pretty long. EA has shown a great example of how to make a 3rd-party game better on the Wii.