Proper review I'd argue : )

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time N64

Hear me out. Even though zelda might just be the franchise that I'm the biggest fanboy of lol.

It was 1998. I was 11. Hollywood video was a thing I'd always rent games from. Lot's of memories...

But I remember this one clearly. They got copies of the game in already but just hadn't put them on the shelves yet. I could see them at a funny angle. Box art was clear though. I asked about them and they were cool about it and let me rent the game. The rent time was like 3 or 4 days if I remember correctly. Kind of not enough time but whatever : )

So I technically got to play the game a few days slightly before it's actual launch date. It was magic. Not just saying that for nostalgia and crap... but just because the game is that legendary. It changed a lot of things.

Never before did we see such a lovable and big world like that at the time. Filled with cooky characters and wonderful music. So many memorable melodies.

Targeting combat systems were basically invented with this game. Just totally awesome. You're welcome dark souls. Seriously. This game basically started crazy stuff like that. It really is just a super great game that everyone should check out.

Here's the thing though lol...

Water temple. Let's get real. Taking the boots on and off was a chore. A flaw we can all pretty agree on. No one likes pausing and then unpausing over and over again. It's too annoying.

Yes I know the 3DS version fixed this with a quick tap button and thankfully that was done which is sick!

I know some folks complain about the 3ds cramping their hands which I can agree with. Buy a grip. They sell em for about 10 bucks. Cheap and do the trick. Added protection to your device (SICK!). More comfortable grip. I'd argue they make it feel almost like a xbox controller in nature. Love it! I play the game this way now on my modded 3dx xl "NEW" version. It's the bomb... Nuff said.

So is it the perfect game? Basically. Nothing is perfect though. Anyone wanting to get into gaming should be aware of this legend of a game. I could mention some others...




star craft

silent hill

age of empires 2

Final fantasy

diablo 2


metal gear

gears of war

command and conquer

Chrono trigger

fall out

resident evil


Golden eye 64

mario 64


half life

twisted metal

secret of mana

dark souls

Conkers bad furday

even some pokemon games are good lol. And that's a game of cute lil critters kinda being forced to... Well... It's just a game. Just remember that and don't get carried away lolz.

So my only judgement of this game really is that well... The story honestly is meh lol. Just the average knight in shining armor rises up and saves the day against the bad guy and then he gets the girl I guess. DeRp.

Not exactly witcher 3 writing. Def not suspense building either like silent hill 2!

But mann... Funny thing. Metroid fusion is kind of the opposite. The game play isn't the greatest for a metroid game... But the story telling is very well done!


So here's the thing. My actual score is a 9 out of 10. Ignore this site and just go with that.

It said "essential" and I believe essential is a good way to describe the game. It's a treasure it is : )

Arguably one of the best games to ever happen. Back in 1998 we got metal gear, star craft, half life, resident evil 2, and holy crap... Ocarina of time on top of all of it... It was the glory days for gaming. So you just gotta understand... This was peak gaming levels of craziness lol. Good times : )

Perhaps even the best times...

So that's why this game is so good. It's always fun to go back to and enjoy. I prefer the 3dsxl version with a grip like I described earlier. Great way to enjoy the game comfortably : )

Once you beat the game you can play a slightly diff version of the game too which is kool. A lil free dlc if you will...

But yeah... Even though I butt kiss this game like it's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I guess it kinda is lol. Sometimes you just love a game I guess lol. But still. 9 out of 10. Nothing is perfect lol. The bird does sort of talk too much and so does your helper at times lol. And maybe slightly better horse controls would have been nice. Crash into anything and she goes nuts and slowly backs up and it's just kind of a thing... Also the game's difficulty is pretty meh/medium. Not a very hard game at all. UNLESS you do a 3 heart run. In which case get ready sucka! Watch yo back and don't efup!

So you see... I'm nit picking basically. Can't hate this game very much. It's legend. Nothing is perfect so no 10... Almost as close to a 10 as possible but that's impossible since you can always judge a thing to a degree and make a good case for it... Usually... So it's a super friggin hiiiigh 9 out of 10 lol. Thanks for reading my goofball review of that one game that's always liked a lot lol. The one with the ocarina lol.

Oh and I forgot to finish the story lol. It was rent day 3 and I had to return the game soon. Stayed up extra late playing it and whoooped phantom gannon. Crazy... Then it was the saddest nerd day of my life and I had to return the game. Soon for xmas my parents got me the real deal and I played it so hard that I beat it before the new year was out lol. Also had a guide from prima lol. Still own it actually! Didn't they go out of bizz? Crazy how crap changes and time flies... Oh well! Game on brothers! And ef micro transactions!