I know this expression is over used but I can't help myself; yeh, the game's good, but not great

User Rating: 7 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest X360
The combat is very repetitive no matter what class you play as, although some of the moves you do can look cool the first time but then gets old pretty quickly. You'll go through nice looking enviroments and will either be, protecting someone or something, defending an area, escorting someone to somewhere, or defeat waves of enimies and destroy something or have a boss fight with some of your favorite charcters, eg; legolas, sauraman, gimli, the barog, etc
At first you play as men of Roharn, Gondor and other city's/villages but then once you've completed that (around 7hrs maybe a bit more) you get to play as the bad guys; ring-raves, orcs, urahki etc which is cool. IN both the bad guys and good guys you have 4 different classes; Archer, Mage, Warrior and scout. Mages can create shileds, heal themselves, create shockwaves and more, Warriors have the most repeitive gameplay which doesn't look all that cool the first time, scouts and pull off some nice moves like turning inisible and then creeping up on someing and then pulling a brutal backstab! Archers like the warriors have quite repetitive moves but can fire fire arrows, poison arrows, multi arrows and normal arrows.
You'll get opurtunitys in the game where you can play as a troll, ent, oliphant or balrog. You'll also get to ride horses and Wargs and play as your favorite heros. While doing all these things you'll be able to listen to the fantastic soundtrack from the lord of the rings trilogy.
This game is worth a rent but probably nothing more.