Makes you wonder why the DS can't be misled as time goes on.

User Rating: 8 | The Lord of the Rings: Conquest DS
Basically this game is one of the many who tries to break the forty wall of crapiness that many titles has been pulling on DS last months. It's innovative as the it's make classic. I will make it brief :

Graphics 9/10: What can i say? For the DS standards it really makes it bright, many good-looking scenarios and fne textures and well rounded units that spawn over the map. Enviroments are well delined as the games progresses, putting all(or at least near all) that the handheld can provide. Not to mention the nice in-game trailers that help you unlock more stuff inside, unfortunally it doesn't have lipsync support.

Gameplay 8/10: In it's core is a Hack'n Slash standards(Ala Dynasty Warriors) with some basic RPG/Action elements and tatical skill all blended in a fine mixture, althought not much immersive as it could be, still fits in a good gameplay overall. You basic enters in the role of a soldier/captain/hero in some of the most known battles over Middle-Earth, as you lead a platoon to complete a couple sort of missions, this character that you choose can be changed in checkpoints trought the map to fit you best tactic, since it splits in 3 classes :Wizard, Archer and Warrior(each with his strenghths and weaknesses). You are able to choose wich side you like most(Goodies and Baddies), making some varied gameplay., controled by the stylus in a similar fashion of Phantom Hourglass. There's also a multiplayer support that make up some good stuff in gameplay overall

Sound 8/10: This is, in my opinion, the top of the game. Good voicing and with great ambient sounds, as for DS standards good quality, not to mention some of he music present in the Trilogy of movies are making part of the stuff, making the atmosphere more immersing and intense.

Replay 7/10: Well this is were the flaw came...the game has good to very strong points, however unless you manage to get someone else to pla with ya you might take the leave after a couple hours after completing the games main tasks, but still much funn in MP.

Overall 8/10 : Not much to conclude, except that's a good game worth of trying especially if you got sick of the many crappy games released for DS(Except for some RPGs most games released so far have been a truly punch in the handheld stomach). At least rent makes worthwhile, especially if you are a fan of the franchise and is looking for some action.