The Return of the King Xbox

User Rating: 8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King XBOX

Great improvement over the Two Towers. The addition of Gandalf's and Frodo and Sam's storylines are most welcome, as is the introduction of two-player mode. Pretty much everything is improved, from the graphics to the gameplay to the voices.

Story - 8, Lord of the Rings story, but still done in bits and pieces.

Gameplay - 7, still hack-and-slash, but new features make it a lot more fun.

Visuals - 6, better, but still not fantastic.

Music - 10, impeccable movie scores again.

Controls - 7, can be annoying with the combos at times.

Multiplayer - 9, a very welcome addition. Great fun.

Originality - 5, a movie tie-in still, with few innovations.

Characters - 9, Lord of the Rings characters.

Fun - 8, very fun Lord of the Rings game, although a bit short.

Overall - 7.7