The Maw is a totally cute but short game that is lots of fun.

User Rating: 9 | The Maw X360
The Maw is a great game. You are an alien creature who has been captured by the space police but when the ship you are on crashes you and another alien trek across the planet to find a way home. The maw is almost like a boy with his dog. The more Maw eats the more it grows. There are all different types of other creatures that the Maw eats. Depending on what it eats, it can breath fire, float, ram into things, etc. Each level has a different amount of "enemies" or creatures that you can eat. Each level also includes a special creature that is hidden for you to eat. The storyline is cute and offers a lot of fun. The controls are easy to learn. And the game also has downloadable extra levels which add to the fun. And it is well worth playing to get to the ending credits. I recommend this game to all gamers. It is well worth paying for!