Better than the Sims 3?

User Rating: 10 | The Sims 2 Double Deluxe PC
To some people, yes this game is better than its successor in many ways, for this game it all depends on the person. Some people say that the graphics were somewhat horrible, and to other people (like me) the graphics were a little life-like and kind of scary.

Either way this game has its cons and pros, I have named them (from my opinion).


Custom Music
Upgraded Body Shop (Better than the first Sims)
Basement Making (With know-how)
Different Creatures
More Furniture
More Design Options
Upgraded Pets
Movie Making

And of course others, but no others come to mind now.


Can't take a walk around the block
Still cannot see inside their jobs
Don't see the cars drive like in the Sims 3
Can't see what their jobs look like

And others that don't come to mind.

Overall: The Sims 2 was an instant classic and still is, I prefer to play it over the Sims 3 honestly. The graphics were good for 2004, and you don't have to have a $3,000 computer for it to work.

I love this game and will always play it, even in ten years I will still be playing it. It's that addictive.