Its time to SPLIT! Or grab an old controller and whoop some splitters ass!

User Rating: 8.5 | TimeSplitters: Future Perfect PS2
Games, games should be played to have fun and that is exactly what Time Splitters: Future perfect provides. The game is less focused on a serious story and realistic game-play , and instead provides one of the most funny and action oriented stories to date. The games story is simple, Cortez ( Bald guy with red glasses *Not a rip off of CoR series*?) is a secret agent type of marine thing that has to go back in time and follow a evil cult leader and stop him from creating the time splitters. The story has you traveling from many levels and is pretty crap, however it knows it is crap and that is why it is great. The game parodies many movies and games and has funny characters (Over 100 you can unlock for the multi-player. It is a short fun story that takes about 6-8 hours to complete. It can be played single player or co-op. The multi-player is great. It is just like Goldeneye and is a blast. It is the first in the series to be online. The multi-player has some great maps and some from the other games in the series. There is also a challenge mode and it is good, has lots of fun corny little challenges that can waste your time and unlock cool characters and cheats (Card board players =) ). There is also a map-maker and that is pretty good to. It can make some fun multi-player maps or some story maps. The only problem with this game is the lack of some graphics and stuff. You can not jump, no foot steps (Half life even had foot steps) and no shadows.. It is also not as original as the other games in the series and is to easy, however it may be the most fun... None the less Time splitters : Future Perfect is a great old school style first person shooter with a funny quick story mode and some great old school style action multi-player. Check it out first person shooter lovers.