For a launch title, it was perfect. As a game in general, it could've been better.

User Rating: 7.5 | TimeSplitters (Platinum) PS2
When the guys who made Goldeneye moved onto this quirky game called "Timesplitters," I was curious. And I gambled with buying it. It paid off, more or less.

Timesplitters marches to its own beat. There's pretty much no discernable storyline, just a series of moments in time that see your character finding crystals, then escaping from time-bending monsters. Sounds like a Sci-Fi Channel made-for-TV movie, and the story telling is just about equal. But the game isn't about the compelling single-player, but the multiplayer.

Of the hundreds of hours I invested into this game, all but about 7 of those were spent in multiplayer. With a cast of characters that includes mummies, aliens, 1970's cops, and robots, there HAS to be someone to express your style in here. And, with over two dozen weapons, there's always a way to express your inner assassin. That being said, every weapon is fun to use, or at least to hear. Sure, no human being could carry dual chainguns, but realism isn't on this game's shortlist of attributes.

Then come the maps. Officially, there are only a handful of them, with more to unlock. But thanks to the Map Maker, you can build as many as your memory card can handle. It's surprisingly customizable. Endless hours have been sunken into this tool. But the results are worth it.

Now for the bad. Although it's a fast-paced, multiplayer-focused game, it's still a launch title, so it has to have some bugs.

Whenever more than 4 or 5 players are on screen, the frame rate slows a little bit. While that's not a problem gameplay-wise, it takes you out of the experience. And since there are usually about 10 other players in a match, this happens a lot. Also, the story mode is weak. I can excuse the actual plot (that doesn't exist), but if the designers just put in only the Challenge Mode (which is basically the story mode out of order, with every variant possible) I'd have given the game a higher score. But for the overall presentation, the load times are rather lengthy. Be prepared to wait several minutes for that deathmatch to load.

Ultimately though, it's a pretty good-looking, enveloping, addictive game that's now available for almost nothing.

Last Words: Three bills at your local game retailer can net you this game. Why don't you have it already?