end war was the worst game ever

User Rating: 1 | Tom Clancy's EndWar PS3
end war was the worst game of all time. when i saw the front picture i thought it was a badass game, so i bought it. then when i played it, it sucked, had bad graphics, had a terrable story line and was boring. if anyone was thinking of geting this game, then dont because you will have the most boring hours of your life. there wasa literly nothing good about this game. they tried to make it cool but failed because i hated it. i wasted 6 hours of my like playing that game. i wish i never had bought it. the worst part is the birds eye view and the commands. they make the game so boring and stupid that it makes you not want to ever play it ever agin. if you enjoyed this game, then you suck because this game sucks. the only reason i gave this game a 1.0 is because i couldent go any lower than that.allso, the game was easy as **** and not even hard to beat. i beat it in 3 hours because it was so easy and that was on the hardest diffuculty. i played another 2 hours to see if it got better but it got worss