Very fun tactical shooter, lots of options and commands.

User Rating: 9.3 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike XBOX
Gameplay: Best thing about the game. Theres a lot of options like switching your gun to fully auto to 3 round burst to semi auto. Your arsenal is huge and theres 11 levels for the campaign. Theres a lot of other fun mode types like defend lone wolf etc. You can also play all these on co-op. Theres special features you can unlock buy getting points that you earn by completing levels depending on how good you did the level. There are 2 difficulty settings, normal and hard. You can turn on you night vision and 3 other things im not sure what do yet. Theres up to 25 maps for the multiplayer. You get a team of 4 including you. Theres also a training thing so don't be afraid to go and try this game for those of you who dont like tactical games.

Graphics: Are simply great, good frame rate etc.

Sound: Good enough even if it was bad, it wouldnt much matter.

Value: If your a fan of the previos GR games and own any of them then i recommend buying it now because of the low price. Fans new who like tactical team-based games then i highly recommend this game to them.