R6:Lockdown could have been a great game but in the end its just an average first person shooter.

User Rating: 5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown PS2

I actually got this game by accident, I purchased Rainbow Six 3 from Amazon UK and it sent this instead. They said I could keep it and they would refund the money, I'm glad they did because this game is not as good as Rainbow Six 3.

Again you play as Ding Chavez, he and his squad must take out a terrorist group who have got their hands on a bio weapon that could kill millions. You can also play as Dieter Weber for in certain missions.

New features in R6LD include motion censor vision, a hammer to knock down doors, sniper missions where you play as Weber and two other game modes, Infiltrator and Lone Rush. The sniper missions are fun at first (even more so with the ragdoll physics), but it soon becomes boring and repetitive. Infiltrator has you sneaking into an area, disabling all of the security cameras and then sneaking to the extraction point. Now this might sound like a proper stealth mission which will have you sticking to the shadows trying to silently complete an objective, and then creeping out. Well it's nothing like that. The only change is that it forces you to have silenced weapons. Its simple get from point A to point B disabling all cameras and taking out all enemies gameplay, it isn't challenging it's boring and it can be finished in five to three minutes. In Lone Rush it times you to get from point A to point B! It is shallow, boring and uninteresting. So your stuck with the campaign, Terrorist hunt, Co op and online multiplayer. And as for the motion censor vision, it sucks all the tension out of RB6LD because it allows you to see enemies through walls!

Gun play is also not as interesting as it could have been. The sound effects for the guns sound like clicks and clangs rather than bangs and booms. They sound small and weak and to make all this worse there aren't that much of them! And due to the fact that some are better than others, you will end up using only two or three of them because they cover all you needs. Even the shooting is not that satisfactory. Aiming can be difficult at times and peeking is not as reliable as it should be. In R63 you only had to tap left or right on the D pad and you will stay peaking, in R6LD you have to press and hold it! It's awkward and not very practical.Gun play can sometimes have its moments though, and thanks to the ragdoll physics using a shotgun is allot more fun than it used to be. The ragdoll physics make the combat more fun but the bodies disappear and it really ruins the effect. AI isn't brilliant but it could have been worse, they don't seem to think very well about whats going on. They see you but instead of running for cover or anything sensible they just stand their with there finger firmly holding down the trigger, letting lose an endless barrage of led, every now and then pausing to reload or to sidestep. Thankfully the graphics and visuals look great, well animated cutscenes, ragdoll physics (shame about the disappearing bodies), nicely detailed environments, blood (that would be where the game got its PEGI 16+ or M17+ from). Characters are detailed but the movement is somewhat robotic looking. But without a doubt this game deserves credit for the nice visuals it has to offer.

The story's in first person shooters are usually not very good. R6LD's story is uninteresting and the ending is disappointing. It drags in a number of story elements that don't altogether fit with the rest of story, and so the story crumbles into a cheesed up mess. The ending is sudden ,disappointing and leaves some big questions unanswered. So in the end Rainbow six Lockdown just isn't very impressive, it may have great graphics and playing with others in Co op and multiplayer can be entertaining, but mostly every other aspect of the game feels unsatisfying, at times it will feel that everything thing Rainbow Six Lockdown tries to do keeps going wrong.