Vegas 2 can be fun, but it feels more like a tac on sequel then a full blown sequel.

User Rating: 6.5 | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 X360
Rainbow Six Vegas 1 was one of the best shooters of 2006. It had everything from co op to really fun multi player. All this is there in Vegas 2, but this game does not feel the same as the original.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 actually starts out before the first game. There are seven levels, and six of them happen before or during the first mission in the first game. You play as Bishop for the first six levels, and then you jump to where the first game ended, and there is where you play Logan from the first game. The levels are pretty fun, and offer a lot of challenges. You explore a different part of Vegas. Instead of the all casinos in the first game, you are in more of down town Vegas.

The story of Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is basically the view from another squad, and what their missions where. You have the two guys, that you had for most of the first game as your squad mates, for levels 2-5, and then they go and help Logan, so you are left to do the sixth mission by yourself. Then for the seventh level, you play as Logan, and you have the two squad mates from the first game.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 does have a lot of new things. You now have a point system, like in Call of Duty 4, except that the points count for both single player and multi player. You get points for killing people, but if you kill them in fancy ways, like take some one out with a head shot, or kill some one up close, then you get more points. There are also challenges like a sniper challenge of grenade challenge, like in Call of Duty 4. Challenges are a great way to boost up your points. There are also a bunch of new weapons that have been added to Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and the weapons that have been added, are pretty fun to use. New machine guns, shotguns, sniper rifles, and pistols. There are also a bunch of new character customization options.

Vegas 2's graphics are nothing impressive. Character models look bad, environments look ok. Weapon models don't look bad, but they don't compare to Call of Duty 4. Overall this is an ok looking game.
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Sound in Rainbow Six Vegas 2, is the same as the sound in Rainbow Six Vegas 1. Music is the some, explosions sound the same, and even the lines that the terrorist say are the same.

Rainbow Six does have some down sides to it. The single player game only lasts about 7 hours. There are 7 missions, and each mission is split into about 4 stages. Some of those stages can take ten minutes to beat, making that each level can take about 45 minutes too an hour to beat. Some of the levels do take a bit longer, because of hard challenges, so it evens out at the end.

When you are done with the single player, Rainbow Six Vegas 2's multi player is really fun. You have a bunch of different modes ranging from death match to like a mode where you have to capture and hold posts, like in Battlefield. There are a lot of modes to keep you busy for a while. The multi player can be hard to get use too if you play other shooters like Call of Duty 4 or Halo 3. One button might be sprint for one game, while the same button for the other game could be throwing a grenade. Also sometimes it is hard to find some one on a map where it is dark, because, the enemies do not have little name tags above their head like in most multi player games, which is also another that takes time to get use. But after you get use to all the controls, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is a decent multi player experience that does not really do anything new.

Over all, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is an ok game that dose not push the boundries of modern day shooters in any direction or raise the bar in any way, but if you liked the first one then you may want to give the second one a try.