This game is not worth $112 and certainly isnt worth your time. The controls are terrible and will leave you frustraded.

User Rating: 2 | Tony Hawk Ride PS3
We have seen some bad games in the past, History channels WWII game, Shaun White snowboarding, and a bunch more. but this one takes the cake. The controls are abysmal and the menu looks like i made it myself. The only good thing about it is the soundtrack.

The gameplay is frustrating and unresponsive. When you want to do moves it wont let you, the only thing that you can do with ease is manueling. The only responsive part is the pipeline skating parts which add some fun for once. The grab and flup tricks are done by waving your hands by sensors on the front and side of the board, and thus it doesnt work well at all. The board rarely know when your waving your hands, this board is just terrible. The manueling is fun and easy since all you have to do his lift the board into a wheelie sort of fashion. This game would have been great if this board wasnt envolved its just to bad you cant play the game without the board.

The story, what story? There isnt one and the other features are so old school from other games you just want it to stop.

The set-up or menu is horrible. You can go up and down and its just plain out a boring menu.

All in all dont buy this game, i repeat dont buy it. In 3 years when its on sale for $25 with the board new, then you can really consider. Even then i wouldnt buy it unless i had a gift card.