Delivers hardly anything exciting and new,and I don't recommend it.

User Rating: 5 | Tony Hawk's Project 8 PSP
The past couple of Tony Hawk games have been noticeably bad,and Tony Hawks Project 8 is no exception.It feels like all the old Tony Hawks,and plays like the old Tony Hawks,but that's sort of the problem.After all this time,I was expecting new things.Especially if he's going to make a whole new game.The series isn't what it used to be.
The big problem with Project 8 is that it feels too similar.There wasn't much new brought into this game.In fact,it takes away some of the features it had on past Hawk games for the PSP.So it totally baffles me why he even thought it would be a good idea to put this on the PSP,if he was just going to take all the cool features out.Another absent feature is the Freak Out mode,which has been in most of his games lately,so it doesn't make sense why he wouldn't include it in this one.Also,the customization on your skater has been completely ruined.Before,you had all of these options for your skater,so that every skater was different.But now,all of the skaters look like clones because of the lack of content.You have three basic body builds your skater can have.There's Kid,Punk,and Urban.But besides a few minor tweaks,your skater is basicly what you chose.
Another thing that bothers me about this game is you can choose any board you want,but when you crash,you lose the board you picked,and now you have to use this generic board.If I wanted the stupid piece of crap generic board,I would have chosen it.So now,if I actually want a cool board,I have to pause the game,choose skater options,then choose skate shop,wait for it to load all the boards,choose my board,wait while it loads my new board,and play.And this becomes very tedius.
What's weird is that they included a Classic Mode only for the PSP.I don't have any idea why,but it's not like it's all that good,anyways.You basicly end up doing goals that you would do if you were playing an old Tony Hawk game.Classic mode has a handful of old levels like Alcatraz,The Mall,and Hawaii.It's fun playing through these levels,but for some stupid reason,you can only use them in classic.So if I want to skate Alcatraz,I have to have a stupid two minute timer.And it's hard to have fun and enjoy myself when everything feels way too rushed.
Furthermore,the new levels in this game feel bland and used.Probably because there are big sections of this game where parts of each park have been used in past games.And I'm not talking about one or two levels,it's in all of them.So if you thought that the level design might save this game,then you are sadly mistaken.
I feel like this game was made in a hurry just to put another Hawk game out there,and because of it,it lacks in structure.There isn't much new,there isn't much customization,and the lame Classic mode isn't at all helpful.Just avoid this game at all costs.