One of the most overlooked roleplaying games on the xbox 360

User Rating: 9 | Too Human X360
The game is a new take on Norse mythology, throwing Thor and company into the distant future. You play as a sort of demi-god named Baldur. The main enemy in the game is various forms of robots that mimic classic fantasy races. The first is the goblin, a humanoid that is basic. Then the Dark elves, slightly larger and much more powerful. The list goes on. There are five different classes to choose from right off the bat. The champion is the all around basic warrior, but the others play and feel much different than the other choices. The game lacks the standard camera controls we are used to in most roleplaying games nowadays. The right stick controls your weapon, slashing direction or targeting. The world feels alive and over the course of the game you feel like you actually are apart of the world, the guards even bow before you. The various weapons and armour you find allow you to customise your Baldur anyway you like. The only negative things I can find with the game are the difficulty which is almost "throw the controller" hard, and the length(my first playthrough was under 9 hours). Overall this is a next-gen title and the only reason it got such a bad reception was the fact that people could not understand how next-gen it was. Thanks for reading and enjoy the carnage of Too Human.