User Rating: 9.5 | Too Human X360
Wow I really like this game sure there are a few things that could be done better but wow this is really good for a new IP.

I didn't think I was going to like the control scheme and at first to be honest I didn't. That all changed within a half an hour wow it really has a evil sick fun precision that makes you feel kick @@@ to play. I really feel powerfull when baldur does some of these moves.

Granted you don't have any conversation tree's like mass effect, but remember they weren't going for that thinking man's RPG. That's not to say that this game isn't deep and doesn't benifit from thinking out a strategy. It just means you don't have to worry about what answer to give any character at any time.

This is really just a sit down and play fun time, I love the fact that I can just explore and beat up baddies, then after collecting some lute I get to go build and customize my implement of godly retribution so yah this is a LOT OF FUN TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!

I really can't wait for number 2 and I can't wait to play thru this version many many times. Yes it isn't perfect but What game is. GO BUY IT ALREADY LOL