Blizzard Not as Good as they Used to Be. Runic's Torchlight 2 Proves that.

User Rating: 9 | Torchlight II PC
I used to be a Blizzard Fangirl, but not anymore. For 4 years Blizzard has done nothing but release Linear and way WAY too easy games. Their old games used to be really good. Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft, Starcraft .ect .ect For 4 years I have seen this and wanted to know why it seemed they had changed their direction in how they make their games. Well I learned why from reading about their new development team, their new formula and ideology for making the game fun for everyone. Well not "everyone" wants to play "Easy-mode-gimme-everything-to-me-on-a-silver platter-for-doing-practicly-nothing" I like games to be fun yes but challenging at the same time. To me personally I have no idea how any gamer could find a game fun if their is no challenge. For me it's something that has to be their, If there is no challenge or if the game is linear I just get bored of it fast.

Torchlight 2 is much better then Diablo 3, in a lot of ways. The graphics are cartoony, but as an older gamer I don't really care about graphics, because I've learned it's all about content, and gameplay. Torchlight 2 is less simplistic, less linear, and their talent tree's are not just some stupid setup for 3 year olds. The thing I hated in Diablo 3 was their new system of talents were it would feel like you had less options for your class by just clicking on a certain option between 3 differnt skills every 4 - 5 lvls. I found it really dumbed down and boring from the previous Diablo 1 & 2. As a long time fan of Blizzard I can firmly say I'm done with any and all blizzard games. For a game thats only 20$ and is better then Diablo 3 in so many espects it makes me really wonder what the hell the blizzard development team was thinking when they spend 3 years on Diablo 3. Were they just sitting their in the office the whole time Shooting paper Planes at each other? What the hell Blizzard? This 20$ game is a great big smack in your face. It's time to wake up or get the hell out. Seriously.