This game represents ww1 very well, its very fun and is worth the 1200 msp.

User Rating: 9.5 | Toy Soldiers X360
This game is the best rts arcade game, the action packed gameplay keeps you busy, but not too busy. it has a very good length for a dlc game. the units, defensive stratagey, and the upgrades, make you feel like your army needs you to keep them alive. the option to acually controll your units, ya know, like acually aim the mg's, artillary pieces, and chemical units, not to mention the fun as hell AA units, makes a HUGE difference in the battle. Plus the online to this game is very fun and is the complete opposite of repetative. there is no greater feeling than taking down one of your cocky freinds with the thunderous roar of german artillary and charging infantry. The final point im trying to make is, BUY - THIS - GAME. its only 1200 microsoft points. and you will be playing this game for a long-long-long time.