This game is indubitably the finest example of a tower defence game ever made!

User Rating: 9 | Toy Soldiers X360
Toy Soldiers is one of those rare games that comes along every once in a while and makes you wonder why previous games in the genre could not have been this good. Previous example have been Doom for the FPS genre and WarCraft II for the RTS genre. Now Toy Soldiers is doing the same thing for the TD genre. And I certainly hope all future TD games take a page or two out of this game's book because it does nearly everything it sets out to do right!

Firstly, this game is a whimsical tower defence game set in an imaginary diorama consisting of charming lead toy soldiers that clearly draw inspiration from the Great War (also known as World War I). The British and German toys face off on a number of beautifully crafted levels and generally one side is striving to get 20 toys into the other side's toybox. However, to do this, they will need to rush past a blazing defence consisting of several different types of towers, each with their own weakness and specialty. For example, the chemical tower is extremely potent against infantry, but nearly worthless against anything else and the anti-air tower is the only one that can actually hit aircraft, but it can't really hit any other targets. During the single player campaigns, you will always be on the defensive side, saving up money to buy and upgrade turrets with which to defend against ever more powerful waves of attackers. When the final wave has been crushed, you win the map! In multiplayer, the game changes somewhat by allowing you to not only set up defences, but also send waves of attackers at your opponent's toybox.

The true genius of this game lies in the fact that beyond simply building defences, some levels also offer you the opportunity to pilot a tank or airplane to take a more active role in the battle. Truly, nothing is more thrilling than taking to the skies in your red biplane and strafing a line of infantry trying to cross a bridge into your territory! Or driving a tank onto a hill and opening fire on an advancing column of speedy enemy vehicles! Beyond vehicles, you can also enter any of your towers and control them yourself, giving you more direct control over the battlefield and generally being able to dish out more damage than the tower could without your guidance.

These elements make for a tremendous game in their own right, but I believe it is additionally worth mentioning that this is by far the best looking and sounding X-Box Live Arcade game released to date! Nothing else on the Live Marketplace can compete with the scale, level of detail, or overall excellent presentation of this game. Combine these features with a previously unseen (at least in a Live Arcade game) level of polish and beauty and you have the finest game released so far on the Live Marketplace.

As if these features weren't enough, the game also comes with two full campaigns (for the British and Germans respectively) and two separate survival modes. Of course, once you have completed both campaigns, there are also additional difficulty levels to try and bonus objectives to complete!

But wait! There's more! Beyond the single-player modes, you can also take your game online! Unfortunately, this is the only area where this game falters. Joining an online game in the first place can take several minutes and when you do, random disconnects are common. Above this, there are very few maps to play on and half of those are very poorly designed, leaving irritating exploits for players to capitalize on and win cheaply, negating a great deal of fun that could have otherwise been had.

Multiplayer issues aside, this game is indubitably the finest example of a tower defence game ever made, clearly raising the bar and hopefully influencing all future tower defence games. Now get out there and shoot some bloody Krauts!