A great game with a lousy review

User Rating: 9 | Transformers: War for Cybertron X360
This is another title where we the buyers need to take the reviewers opinions as exactly that, opinion. Personally I think this is a great game for both the single player campaign that you can play co-op (yea!) and the online vs modes that enhance the action. I also appreciate that on the easy level the game is accessible for my 8 year old son, where on the harder levels the game gets fun for me. Too many of the FPSs these days are still either too hard on easy or too graphic for me to share this passion with my son. As always, everyone's mileage will vary. Before you take the reviewers opinion at face value check their previous reviews. This will give you some insight into what they like and don't like. You may not fall in the same category and you could be missing out on a gem of a game.