very disappointing game, VERY disappointing

User Rating: 6.5 | Transformers: War for Cybertron PC
Ok, first off let me say I've been a transformers fan since the very first cartoon came out when I was a kid, I still have many of my original transformers surronding my man cave as I write this.

Plain and simple this game is extremely boring and frankly a crappy game, now let me say this game is #1 out 3 transformers games that have come out, but still very disappointing.

Combat: not bad really, I like the transforming back and forth at will, and can use the boost in vechicle mode to get to many different spots and get behind enemies to have some fun.

World: Is absolutely stunning, they did a magnificient job with the world, on the other hand it's extremely bland and repetitive.

Overall gameplay: Well the whole game is frankly a snooze fest had to kick myself to just finish it to unlock the multiplayer stuff. It was fun getting to know the transformers more through the campaign, but other than that, really not much other than shoot stuff, no challenges, only 1 way to finish maps, no variety. Fans of transformers for 20 years, frankly deserve a better game than this.

And heres the real kicker Multi-player: Combat is fun, can use a lot of variety in killing opponets, here's the ultimate kick in the balls, the servers are hosted by the players and when they get bored or sick of getting killed in the game they just leave and so does your score. BULLSH-T. 2nd point. There is virtually no one playing anything other than teamdeathmatch and the control point one. At any given time I see only 140 max ppl online. 3rd Point: there is no god damn chat in MP, how the hell am I suppose to communicate with my team, it's bullsh-t. They ultimately failed miserably on MP

This game isn't horrible by any means, but the MP was suppose to be the shiny crown on this mofo and frankly it comes up extremely short. Games hosted by the players and no ability to control cheating, and no chat makes for a short lived game