Trine 2 has plenty of quality fantasy storybook whimsy for the physics puzzler questing to rescue a fair maiden.

User Rating: 9.5 | Trine 2 PS3
Trine was a fun, innovative puzzler that created quite a fan base. What I liked most about Trine was its charm and its whimsical fantasy atmosphere. It was like I was a knight who jumped out of a fairy tale storybook to save a princess in a tall tower guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. It's good stuff. Sure, the puzzles were easy and the combat was easier but Trine was undeniably just plain fun.

Trine 2 is no slouch when it comes to a good time. The puzzles are similar if but a tad more challenging. The combat is identical but this time around there are some amazing and creative boss battles thrown into the mix.

The Thief, Wizard, and Knight return as their old selves and you can switch between them just like the in the first game. So what makes Trine 2 different than Trine? Read on.

Graphics: They're much cleaner, more colorful, and higher resolutions are supported. The environments are much more varied and as a result Trine 2 is longer than Trine.

Length: Trine 2 is a surprisingly long game. It took me about ten hours to finish the main quest and I didn't even collect everything. Of course I went slow because I didn't want the game to end.

Environments: Trine 2 has the most amazingly detailed and creative levels you'll ever see in a game. The witch's tree house in particular will blow your mind.

Puzzles: The puzzles are more refined, creative, and benefit from teamwork. The game is much more difficult solo, but it is possible to complete solo. The difference lies in the many different ways puzzles can be completed with or without friends.

Trine 2 is a whimsical storybook fantasy and I loved every second of my journey through its fairy tale lands.