I really want to like this game, but it won't let me....

User Rating: 6.5 | Two Worlds II PS3
Ever drop a delicious piece of pizza on the floor, and think to yourself, "if I wipe it off, and pick out a few hairs, its still good right?", and then ultimately decide that its just not worth it?
That's what this game feels like.
You know deep down there is some good here, but the blemishes are just repulsing enough to make you toss it instead of finishing it.

The game overall is...competent. Standard action rpg fare, with a clichéd "reluctant rogue must save sister from evil overlord" story. Its all pretty standard here, and in terms of graphics and general design the game actually fairs quite well. There is some decent, if not repetitive combat, and a good mix of items and weapons, along with tertiary actions like lockpicking, spellcrafting, repairing and so forth. While these elements are nothing new to anyone who's played the likes of Oblivion, Skyrim and so forth, they are at least well implemented, and serve to make the game more diverse than just killing and looting.

Unfortunately, there are a few specific issues that at least for me, bogged down and all but ruined the experience. For one, the dialogue sequences are absolutely horrid. Your character limbers about during these "story driving" moments awkwardly, utters drivel dialogue, and delivers lines with little to no inflection or effort. After a few hours I was honestly wishing for walls of text just to spare me the annoyance of the cutscenes. Secondly, the menu system is so needlessly cumbersome that often times I'd just go with my current equipment rig because I simply did not want to bother navigating the menus. Finally, while there is lots of tinkering to do with your character in terms of crafting, spells, and combos to learn, in the end, the combat boils down to repetition, and there just isn't enough payoff for the effort of progression. You ultimately feel like you're just going through the motions, as opposed to accomplishing anything worthwhile.

Notably, I did not spend any time playing the multiplayer, and have no idea if people are even still playing it, so I can't help you in that regard.

I really wanted to like this game, and it had all the elements that *should* have made it great, but in the end, the cumbersome menus and interface were a persistent frustration, and the story, weak to begin with, was being delivered with some of the worst voice acting and unenthusiastic character modeling I've seen in game.
For all the good elements, the game simply wouldn't let me fully enjoy it.