UFC Undisputed 2010 Delivers a TKO experience with incredible graphics, and powerful knockouts and improved commentary!

User Rating: 9 | UFC Undisputed 2010 X360
i'm glad I decided to purchase this game, I played the first of its series a little but not a whole lot, and this game made a 180 degree turn and delivered. The graphics and blood makes this game one of a kind and highly addictive. Not just that but the commentary makes you feel as though you are watching a fight on live TV which a lot of games lack in realistic terms. It goes in depth with interviews, weigh ins, and pre-fight analysis along with a little role playing action making your fighter a desrepectful character, popular character or respectable character depending on the responses you give. Sure most of the answers you give and things that are said in interviews are repetitive or the same but UFC desiginers are on the right track to developing an even better game experience for all gamers. I recommend this game to any one who enjoys fighting games boxing or other wise. I certainly put this game above Fight Night series games. I used to be an avid fan and player of Fight Night games but they started to appear similar to Madden series, repetitive, unchanged and well just the same. But I am glad to have picked up this UFC game and love the atmosphere it brings to the ring. If your on the fence with buying this game read this review and make the right choice!