It's like playing a movie, except you have full interaction

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3

- Gameplay -
Uncharted 2 took all the cinematic bits from Uncharted 1 and blew them up into a full on cinematic experience. Every moment of the game felt like I was watching a James Bond movie, except I had influence over every action. I love it. The camera was well placed in every situation, such that the controls reflected the perspective, which made climbing, jumping, leaping all feel fluent and responsive. The puzzles were average, but the action sequences totally make up for it.

- Story -
The story and characters are probably the best part about Uncharted 2 for me. With every cutscene, I bonded with the characters more and more. The jokes, burns, and puns between them were hilarious, and when they make a serious point, you can't help but care, and fight for their goal. The plot is very interesting. The game starts off with a flash forward in an epic moment of the game, and you are left wondering how Drake landed in such a predicament. I love it when games and movies do that. That mystery gets me hooked.

- Visual & Sound -
Everything looks great, and the settings were diverse. The structures were detailed, and the devs made it pretty clear what was climbable and what wasn't. Despite being able to make inhumane leaps, most of Drake's movement animations looked natural. The background music matched the action. Epic music when the action was at its peak, and mysterious tunes when discovering a new area or encountering a puzzle.

- Replay value -
There isn't much replay value at all, besides maybe going back and collecting all the treasure hidden within the levels. Not that it matters, cause the single player experience will give you all your money's worth.

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