Perfect marriage of story telling and action adventure.

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End PS4


- Uncharted have the most impressive and dramatic opening sequences in any game. Story-wise and cinematic wise. Uncharted 4 is no different. The game totally had me fooled that Drake had to take refuge on an island because he was being chased down. Then about 2 be taken out back to get executed and had to find a way to escape. Now that's what I thought, but in actuality it turns out he wants to be in this prison and it was actually working with the head guard to access a place with treasure. After this, I already know I'm in for a good ride.

- Nathan Drake talking to himself while climbing, exploring, solving puzzles, and examining items it's pretty interesting, comedic, and build on his character and thoughts. I've lived alone for a long time, and I talk to myself quite often. Speaking my mind more like, as not to sound crazy this is actually a common thing for people who live alone for an extended period of time. I relate to Nathan Drake as a character in this way.

- the addition of the grappling hook is a good addition for uncharted, despite it's haven't been done in many other platformers like this. It's not original but it fits and it's well done.

- I love how with each uncharted title, the devs keep everything that's good, and build on it. They remove everything that's wrong. In this way, the next uncharted has always been better than the last, at least from a technical standpoint.

- I like how the game makes you tap x to carry something underwater while swimming. This takes a bit more energy for you as the player, which reflects more closely with Drake carrying the box while swimming. As opposed to simply just holding x, which takes no effort whatsoever on the players part, making it not feel realistic.

- at the beginning, when Drake was back in his home after the salvage, he had a bunch of old items that were found from previous games among his storage. Despite having beaten uncharted a very long time ago, looking at these items now brings back so much memories. Each game felt like a huge adventure. It goes to show how immersive each uncharted title truly was, at least for me. The story and the characters have stuck with me.

- knowing the relationship between Drake and his girlfriend and all the crap that they've been through, it's endearing to see. They got married and are living a happy life. And the crash Bandicoot section was absolutely hilarious.

- when it comes to cinematic heavy games, uncharted is among the best if not the best. But what makes uncharted so special is that it manages to balance gameplay and cinematics. A game like Beyond two souls is a really good cinematic experience, but when it comes to the gameplay portion, it really falls short. Without the few QuickTime inputs, it would just be a straight-up movie. Uncharted 4 though balances it's perfectly. More impressive yet is that there's fighting, shooting, parkouring, swinging, and puzzle-solving. So many gameplay elements, but yet they can make it such a cinematic experience. That is what sets uncharted 4 apart from any other game in its genre.

- climbing plus stealth is really fun. Reminecent of assassin's Creed.

- using the rope as a clutch last second save during the parkouring feels satisfying to land.

- the random banter between Nate as his brother is funny. And it's interesting to learn about the lore and the two of them figuring out the history behind the pirates

- off road jeep driving was fun. Crazy off the cliff sequence

- uncharted is the king of epic cinematic sequences. The clock tower portion put me at the edge of my seat when Drake was falling down from the tower.

- there's always some underlying issue, like Nathan's wife finding out about his lie, his brother hiding something potentially, etc. This keeps my interest in the game outside the main story.

- interesting to watch Nathan struggle when he's fatigue state like when he was attacked on the island. It makes him feel human.

- using the piton adds diversity to the climbing. Making it less repetitive.

- final boss fight was fun. Reaction time based sword fight.

- ending with Nathan's daughter was cute. And a nice peek into the future. Good to see Nathan and the gang doing well. Seeing the family of 3 so tight nit and happy makes me wish I had a family like that.


- nothing