The Game that gave the beginning to whole new generation...

User Rating: 9 | Unreal (Best of) PC
I think that Unreal deserves a special mention, because this game was complete breakthrough, in question of graphics (there was nothing you could compare with Unreal, in 1998, we should remember that those time, we had no GeForce nor Radeon. The only available stuff were expensive but crappy Diamond Stealth video cards, some Matrox creations: that were good, but not in games, and finally 3dfx Vodoo chipset, available in several presentetions, the best of those was Diamond Monster 3D, with 12 (!) Mb of RAM and 3 3dfx chips.... I had that card, and it was amazing. Unreal, running on a 3dfx card was completely awesome... I guess it is a most important point, cause of that Unreal became a legend. Some magazines, predicted that Unreal graphic engine, was too advanced for the time it was created and that this engine would be used to power many games for decades.... Not many of us paid attention to those statements, but they were damn right. Now a days we have a lot of games which use Unreal engine (of course, it has been improved many times, but it conserves its essence from the day it was created).
Regarding the game itself, it wasnt bad either. The storyline was pretty interesting and immersive. all that story about Vortex Rikers.... great. Alghough, after a while, the game was getting a bit boring, like LP disc... but in general terms it was pretty good.
Weapons. another strong point of this game: a huge variety of strange but deadly weapons, we enjoy now a days: stinger, flak cannon, razor jack....
I beleive, that the soundtrack, deserves another mention. it was as good as graphic engine....
Unreal established standards in the game world which are still being used by many games, and I hope we will see many new games, based on its legendary graphic engine and its spirit...