For once, DLC is a good thing to happen to a game. It's completely worth the price.

User Rating: 10 | Mission DLC Pack for Valkyria Chronicles II PSP
Like lots of people, I presume, I was surprised that Edy Nelson, who only makes a cameo appearance in the game (though she's unlockable) was used to market the Valkyria Chronicles II DLC. And bitter that she only smiles and winks once you've purchased it. While it cost $1 per mission (total of $22) in Japan, the whole mission pack costs only $5, and is well worth its price.
It's more missions for the already lengthy campaign in Valkyria Chronicles 2. Same characters, same areas. Then again, the characters were included in the game itself and Sega gave the codes away for free, so no biggie, and it's entertaining playing with only the original Valkyria Chronicles characters.
It's very much worth the price. There are 22 missions, and if you've exhausted the countless missions included in the main game itself, these extra missions are good for more playtime. The Valkyria Chronicles formula doesn't grow old, and all the missions are very, VERY fun. A-rank them all, if you dare.